Friday, July 6, 2007

Proven malpractice by Vishwananda - continuation.....

Just elaborating a bit more with Visham's connections to Premenanada and Vishnudeva Saraswati (Padma Ananda - still can't get over the names!). I accept that these beings have a great deal of yogic understanding on Kundalini power although it is absurd to consider them yogis (which literally means ''union with God''). This is where the real danger lies - targetting people's Kundalini energy. From my personal perspective, I accept that I wrote this article acknowledging questions regarding Sai Baba as well although I also accepted his acheivements. I also accept that for people who have been using webpages like this as an outlet as well as perhaps a call for help, there are limitations of my behalf. If someone like Sathya Sai is not receptive to Visham, then he is perhaps a better bet in seeking support. My understanding is that Visham has a material interest in the West even at the expense of his own region. These pages may help give greater perspective and clarity on some of these ''enlightened being'' as well as perhaps providing some support to those who have been affected in their kundalini experience.