Since my initial blog on the question of godmen which was written about a year ago, I had no idea that it would be a big outlet for people who have been subjected to malpractices by Vishwananda. An incredible amount of information has emerged since then and I can now really enlighten you on what has come to my attention and also say with absolute certainty that Swami Vishwananda is associated with malpractice. He may definetly have been born with some powers and may be knowledgeable in the art of Kriya yoga (or the breathing exercises which enhance psychic powers) but he is using his abilities as a self-serving instrument.
Futhermore he is not the only one endulging in such practices through yoga which amount to a form of black magic i.e any power that is used to potentially interfere or harm others. It seems that he is part of a syndicate that draw people to them, often presenting themselves as masters, yogis and the like. Within his own inner circle, he has support (financially and otherwise) to continue with his activites. In return he feeds these people with what they require since his powers enable him to manifest a great deal of what is desired. Some of you may have read my spoof article, 'Viren's shenanigans.' Please be aware that characters like this exist in one form or the other among Visham's inner circle. Some may be better than others - some may not even get on with eachother but nonetheless, they themselves have also become prey to these ''yogis'' who iniate great power and support for eachother in upstaging genuine gurus who have peoples best intentions at heart.
Something to consider if you have come into contact with Vishwananda, is who supports him. Mata Amritanandamayi or Ammachi may support him so these influences have to be questioned. Sathya Sai Bab may or may not support him. As Babaji is an an 'avatar' who is not in incarnation it is impossible to know whether he has any influence over Vishwananda. regardless of Vishwananda's claims. So basically, it is safest to look to support from someone like Sai Baba although you may still need to be cautious as some inconsistencies may be noted as well. Some useful articles on Sathya Sai can be found in this address:
Remember that for those of you who have seen Vishwananda, he has the ability to tap into chakras or points related to past lives and empowers this connection by those who may have known Yogananda and hences draws people to him. Basically it is attachment to the subconcious mind which may be markedly different to ones physical reality. So it was basically planned or initiated if you landed up in his physical presence, only having to succumb to his more sinister motives. Sooner or later his time will come but for those of you who feel he is good, please think more carefully and ask questions. For others, please do not be afraid - do not fear seeking advice, sharing with others etc etc as well as initiate action within your own communities about bringing justice to light.
Some points:
I've included a passage from the above blog-site to highlight some points to consider in becoming involved in serious yogic practices. Much of it should be obvious but perhaps certain things should be taken more seriously especically after coming into contact with Vishwananda and the like.
"One of the temptations of having an advanced psychic experience is that one may be inclined to communicate via this means as opposed to the safe, old-fashioned and undeniably fulfilling encounter of person-to-person contact. This goes back to the notion of whether people should be undergoing Kundalini awakening at all. My understanding is that psychic communication is acceptable only in the case of communication with ascended masters or beings from other realms who really need to pass a message; there should be no other need for psychic contact in any other situation. Furthermore, for people who have attempted to communicate with each other psychically, remember that a great deal of negativity still may be present along with interference from others (with less than noble motives). It is impossible then to interpret messages correctly or even send/receive messages at all through 'mind' or 'thought' control. One's system may also be subjected to a form of psychic attack which in turn may cause deep stress, depression or an unstable mental state. Remember that for those moving into a deeper spiritual path, open communication is absolutely necessary. As human beings, we are naturally imperfect and the best way to transcend challenging situations is to discuss openly and honestly, even (if possible) with those who have not-so-good intentions. One's spiritual leader should be encouraging openess and harmonious interaction within groups as well as with those who follow other 'faiths' or even those who subscribe to no faith at all. We are all here for a purpose and we are all entitled to grow at our own pace. As human beings, we need human interaction hence Kundalini awakening should not place us in a position where we may appear to be above or below others. We should definitely not be using the psychic realm for purposes of entertainment, self-indulgence or quick fixes. People who use any acquired psychic power for the means of tapping into or controlling the subconscious mind or 'thought' process of another being are inviting the same to be done to them as in the grand scheme the Universe equals the field in surprising ways.
Self-proclaimed gurus who often travel round the West are usually quite adept in mind manipulation or control. The obvious ones who have generated a lot of publicity in recent years and some of whom listed below are definitely subject to controversy are:
Swami Vishwananda
Padma Ananda / Vishnu Deva Saraswati
Adi Da
Bala Sai Baba
Starlight Devi (not as well known - undecided opinion on her position)
Ammachi (undecided opinion due to differing accounts and experiences)
Mother Meera is also a guru based in Germany - a little like the case of Ammachi (Mata Amritanandamayi), as I cannot personally vouch for a fully positive experience with Mother Meera as yet, I leave it to you to decide considering all factors that have been mentioned so far.
An immense level of personal responsibility and maturity comes with psychic development. Wisdom, love and the laws governing right conduct become paramount. In many ways we are evolving into 'masters' ourselves so we do need to become more self-reliant and self-aware. Those who guide us will eventually start to take a back-seat as we say hello to our own higher purpose. My personal experience of the psychic realm is that one's necessary 'truth' and life-purpose is revealed as God's love quietly permeates the individual experience."